At Hog the Web, we are empowered by creating high-quality websites that deliver results. Our designs are strategically built to maximize conversions, lower bounce rates, and provide a seamless user interface. We are proud to align our designs with each client’s unique branding, mission, and company values.  Let’s take a look at some of our work from 2024.

  Imhoff Fine Residential Painting

Click the image if you want to see this website live in action.

Imhoff Painting Company is a professional business located in Englewood, Colorado. First, we refreshed Imhoff’s branding with a new style guide. Next, after meeting with the client, we gathered the necessary assets to refresh their branding with a new style guide. We then redesigned their website to align with the updated look while our copywriters refined the sales copy to ensure a consistent and engaging brand voice. Once we launched the new version of this site, their conversions increased 75%!


Mobile and desktop view of the Oxlo website with sleek black and deep green, designed by Hog the Web.

Click the image to see this website on your screen.

Oxlo, a company under Dura Software, approached us to modernize its seven-page website. As part of the redesign, we focused on improving the navigation menu to enhance the user experience. Having successfully collaborated with the Dura team on previous projects, we worked closely with them to update both the content and design. The result was a bold, modern, and eye-catching website that reflects their brand.

And we also received a fantastic video testimonial from the client! Watch it below.

YouTube video

  Mig & Co.

Mig & Co website design by Hog the Web, with an innovative and modern design.

Click the image above if you want to see this website for yourself.

MIG approached us, and they were ready for a significant overhaul of their updated website; they wanted something geared toward business lead generation. We put a lot of special attention into creating this website to ensure it would meet the client’s needs and be unique. The website needed to load lightning-fast to keep users engaged. Our new design still delivers results for them now, even years later, and they couldn’t be more satisfied.


A website and phone view of, a website designed by Hog the Web with deep blues and white, with yellow buttons.

Click the image above to see the amazing design of the Faxination website live.

Faxination was a very unique redesign where we needed to combine two websites into a single, visually captivating, and professionally polished site. Even though this unique request did present some challenges, we were able to work through it to exceed expectations. Our client expressed great satisfaction with our team’s innovative custom design.

“Levi and his team at Hog the Web are incredibly knowledgeable and very quick to respond to questions or concerns. They have been an amazing asset for our team as we build out and manage several websites for our portfolio companies. The expertise of this team is off the charts and they are astute professionals that are genuinely kind. We are so thankful for their partnership!”

— Susan Leid of Dura Software

Does your website need a design change this year? Most websites are quickly becoming outdated and stale due to technological innovations and trending changes. We keep up with these trends and changes, so our team is knowledgeable and informative; we can help guide you in the right direction for high conversions and an aesthetically pleasing website. Do you want to see more of our work?  You can see the rest of our portfolio here. There is no charge to talk to us anytime, and you can set up a FREE website consultation by contacting us here.

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